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Home Colour Tones for All Seasons
Home Colour is not just a paint, but the outlook of your house, so it should speak for itself. Though it is a matter of opinion which home colour and door colour you like, but then there are certain colours which you haven’t thought of if they can really look impressive on walls and at the entrance door.
They say that first impression is the last, so be attentive while picking your home colour as well as door colour and choose such schemes which can rouse every single individual visiting your house. If you don’t have any idea how to turn your home into one such space, here are few hints to do up the entire look of your living space.
1. Mint Green on Door and White on Walls
This vibrant combination is going to boost your house’s curb appeal. It seems classic as well as trendy if you paint mint green on the front door and white on the exterior walls. The combination in reverse can also do the job equally well if you want to try out opposite.
If you feel that light colours are hard to maintain, choose dust resistant paints.
2. Blue on Door and gray on Exterior walls
This is one of the very attractive door and home colour combinations which fits all the check boxes if you want a loud and vibrant entry door. However, if you use the light shades of blue instead of electrifying tones, you can give a more neutral, calm, and classic look.
Red, rust orange, pink, wood brown also looks amazing with white on exterior walls. To buy the product visit: To learn more information about the products, click here.
3. Double Tone on Door with Combination/Contrast on the Walls
To set a charming effect, you don’t have to make bold choices while choosing door colour. Tone on tone works amazingly well to make an ultra-chic design statement. Pick the two colours of the palette which coordinates well with each other as well as with the colour of walls. For instance, if the colour on exterior is slate gray, use the combination of white/off white/light gray with olive on the door to enhance the façade of the home.
Bonus Tip: To glam up the look of entry door, you can use a stylish door knocker, wreath, pendant light, etc. To make your guests feel more welcoming, you can give some design therapy to the surrounding space too by placing few potted plants, a bench/chair to sit, a nice doormat at the entrance, and a mirrored or refectory décor piece on the left side of the door.
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